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Open the DRIVERS icon. 2) If you have already loaded drivers for a SoundBlaster ("Creative Labs Sound Blaster 1.0" or "Creative Labs Sound Blaster 1.5") or similar device ("Media Vision Thunder Board"), they must first be removed. If these drivers are not listed in the menu of existing drivers, go to step 3. Otherwise, select the currently installed driver (by clicking on the name) and then select the REMOVE button. A message box will appear with an "Are You Sure?" query. Select YES. A message box will appear with a "Restart Windows?" query. Select RESTART NOW. Once Microsoft Windows 3.1 has restarted, return to the CONTROL PANEL in the MAIN group. Again, open the DRIVERS icon. 3) Select the ADD button. A list of possible drivers will appear. Select the Unlisted or Updated Driver option. It will ask you where the new drivers are located. They are on the STEREO F/X driver disk the INSTALL batch file created. Insert this disk into your floppy drive and enter the name of your floppy drive (for example, type in "A:" without the quotes). A new box should appear with a list of the two drivers available on the disk. Click on the name ATI STEREO F/X Windows 3.1 Driver, then select the OK button. A message box may come up asking if you want to use NEW or CURRENT drivers. Select the NEW option. The new driver should install itself on your system, and automatically load the ATI Windows 3.1 FM Sound Driver as well. A message box should pop up confirming your card address and IRQ number. Click on the OK button. Finally, a message button will pop up asking whether or not you want to restart windows. Select RESTART NOW. 4) If you have had a Sound Blaster installed previous to installing STEREO F/X, you will have a virtual device conflict. This is because the Sound Blaster driver leaves it's virtual devices installed even when you remove the Sound Blaster driver. To fix this problem you must edit your system.ini file. Find the [386Enh] section of the system.ini file. There you will find two lines: device=vsbd.386 device=vadlib.386 If you remove these two lines from your system.ini file everything should then work normally. You can re-enter Microsoft Windows 3.1. 5) The internal FM driver has been automatically loaded. This driver will allow you to play MIDI files through the internal FM synthesizer. However, the MIDI mapping must be properly set. In the CONTROL PANEL in the MAIN group open the MIDI Mapper icon which should have appeared automatically after installing the new drivers. If you have a default setting or have previously loaded a Sound Blaster driver, some of the MIDI mapper settings may no longer be valid, and an "incorrect settings" error message may result. In the MIDI Mapper, select Setups and then click on the NEW button. A message box will appear prompting you with a name. Type in any name (for example "ATI MIDI MAP"). A MIDI Setup window will appear. You must now select a valid Port Name for each MIDI channel. This is done by clicking on the arrow button at the right of each Port Name box. Three options should be shown in a menu. STEREO F/X MIDI Driver will send the MIDI information of that channel out to the external MIDI out connector (on the breakout box) which can be connected to an external synthesizer. ATI FM will send the MIDI information to the internal FM synthesizer. [None] will disable that channel. Do the following: a) if you want all information sent to an external synthesizer, set each port to STEREO F/X MIDI Driver. b) if you want all information sent to the internal FM synthesizer, set each port to ATI FM. c) if you want both, the Microsoft Windows 3.1 standard recommends that you set channels 1 through 12 to the external MIDI device (STEREO F/X MIDI Driver) and channels 13 through 16 to the internal (ATI FM). 6) If you want to use MIDI input with a Windows program such as "Music Time" you MUST run Windows in standard mode using the "WIN /S" command. MIDI input will NOT work in 386 Enhanced mode unless you have a VERY fast computer. To be safe always run Windows 3.1 in standard mode when using MIDI input. ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ Installing the new WinDAT ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; Go into Microsoft Windows 3.1, and in the PROGRAM MANAGER, select the RUN option under the FILE banner. Use the BROWSE command or type in directly the name of the install program (for example, C:\SFX\WINDAT\INSTALL.EXE). Run this program. This should automatically install WINDAT as well as a MIXER which will allow you to use the enhanced mixer functions available with the new audio driver. This mixer panel will also work in conjunction with any of the digital audio or internal MIDI players that come with Microsoft Windows 3.1, such as the MEDIA PLAYER and the SOUND RECORDER, or any of the warning message sounds. Note that due to MCI restrictions, compressed VOC files cannot be played under Microsoft Windows 3.1, but can still be played under DOS applications. Note that the new WINDAT is backwards compatible with Microsoft Windows 3.0. Just install it in the same way as specified above. ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ Installation Notes ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; 1. If you are using EMM386 and are running the SFX (configuration) program within Windows, there may be problems with the DMA play routines if you have not specified enough DMA memory in your Windows setup. Follow the instructions in the Windows error message and re-enter Windows. The switch D=64 should also be added to the EMM386 line in your CONFIG.SYS file. 2. If you choose not to use the default directory C:\SFX\ you will have to change the default directories in the options menus of DOSDAT and WinDAT the first time they are run. 3. Playing sound files with high sample rates requires a suitably fast CPU and hard disk. On machines slower than a 12 megahertz '286, you may have problems with 22.05 kHz STEREO and 44.1 kHz MONO. If your machine is unable to keep up, the sound file will simply stop after playing the initial segment. If you are experiencing this problem, try slowing down the sample rate so your computer can keep up. 4. For the same reason you cannot play sound files at higher sample rates directly from floppies, as floppy disks are simply not fast enough to keep up with the audio. On a two floppy system you can install the STEREOþF/X for playing games, but the full software functionality will not be available. 5. When looking at audio parameters in WinDAT, remember that these parameters reflect the setup of the sample as it was last played or recorded, not what you are about to play or record. If you change a parameter the display will not reflect that change until you play or record it. 6. In WinDAT you must have twice the amount of disk space left on your hard disk as the size of the sound file you are editing. This is due to the requirements of the UNDO function. In general it is very easy to eat up disk space while recording digital audio. If you are short on space on your hard disk please keep this in mind. ATI Technologies Inc. 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